Upcoming Events at Covenant Community Church

We would love to see you at one of our upcoming events. RSVP to let us know if you’ll be joining us.

  • Callison Book Fair

    Help support Callison Elementary School by volunteering during their Spring Book Fair, March 24 - 28. There are several times needed.

  • Women's Spring Event

    Join us, March 30th at 11:30am, for the Covenant Women's Ministry Spring Event. It'll be a fun and relaxing afternoon. Enjoy a potluck lunch and an encouraging word from Heather Gold. Don't forget to invite a friend!

  • Men's BBQ

    Teens, tweens and men are invited to join the Men's Ministry BBQ on Sunday March 30th at 12noon at Ted Loney's home. Please bring a dish to share. Contact Ted with questions.

  • Craft & Connect

    Women, teens, and girls please join us for Craft & Connect Saturday April 5th, 9-11:00am in Kids Town. Create something with the materials and ideas provided or bring a project from home that you’d like to work on. Warm drinks will be provided. Childcare available if requested. Please RSVP to help us plan! 

  • All Church Breakfast & Work Day

    On Saturday April 12th at 8am the Men's Breakfast team will be serving the entire church breakfast! We'll spend the rest of the morning cleaning and repairing things on our campus to get ready for Easter. Come to both, or come to either - there will be plenty of bacon, and plenty of work! 

  • Maundy Thursday Service

    Join us to commemorate the last supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples and the sacrifice He made for us on the cross as we move closer to Easter, the day of His resurrection.

    Please RSVP to request childcare during the service.

  • Intergenerational Service Project

    Teens and adults, join us on Saturday, May 3rd, 9am-1pm, as we serve together at the Bay Area Rescue Mission in Richmond. Prep, serve, and clean up lunch for residents of the Mission and anyone in need.

  • Deacon Meal Team

    The Deacons are looking for volunteers to add to the Meal Team list. If you are willing to take a meal to a CCC family when the need arises (birth of a baby, home from a hospital stay, surgery or bereavement, etc.) please sign up. You can contact Sheila Barker at 707-803-2060 with questions.