Upcoming Events at Covenant Community Church
We would love to see you at one of our upcoming events. RSVP to let us know if you’ll be joining us.
Men's Breakfast
Men & boys of all ages are invited to the Men's Breakfast on January 18th. Nothing fancy, just free food and hanging out from 8-10am in KidsTown. We hope to see you there!
Judy Erwin Memorial Service
A memorial service for Judy Erwin will be held at Covenant Community Church, on Tuesday January 28 at 2:00pm.
Youth Game Night
The Youth, 6th - 12th grade, are invited to a night of board games, card games, Jackbox games, snacks and hanging out together at the Gold’s House on January 31st at 7pm. This is a great chance to have some fun as we get to know each other.
RSVP: cccvv.org/events -
Craft & Connect
Women, teens, and girls please join us for Craft & Connect Saturday February 1st 9-11:00 AM in Kids Town. Create something with the materials and ideas provided or bring a project from home that you’d like to work on. Warm drinks will be provided. Childcare available if requested. Please RSVP to help us plan!
Annual Congregational Meeting
Join us February 2nd after the service for a brief congregational meeting. We will receive the annual report and budget and vote on officers.
Newcomer's Party
Newcomers: Join us over lunch and cupcakes to learn about our church, including what we believe, what we do, and how you can get involved. (Everyone's welcome, even if you don't consider yourself a newcomer any more!) Sunday February 23rd after our worship service. Childcare provided by request.
Young at Heart Dinner
Join us for the Young At Heart, 55+ group dinner, Saturday March 22nd at 5pm in KidsTown. Corn Beef & Cabbage and dessert is being served. Cost is $5 per person, due at the door. Please RSVP, by March 14th, if you will be attending
Love Up Callison - Staff Lounge Refresh
Join us as we 'Love Up' on Callison Elementary School and refresh their staff lounge. Please make a donation to go towards the purchase of one or more of the many items needed to renew the staff lounge.
Deacon Meal Team
The Deacons are looking for volunteers to add to the Meal Team list. If you are willing to take a meal to a CCC family when the need arises (birth of a baby, home from a hospital stay, surgery or bereavement, etc.) please sign up. You can contact Sheila Barker at 707-803-2060 with questions.