
Here at Covenant Community Church, we are dedicated to being able to change the world, both locally and globally.

Throughout the year we look for opportunities to serve our community and help people in Vacaville, Solano County, and around the world. The generous people in our church embrace the charge to change the world whole-heartedly and contribute to mission activities large and small, including:

  • Donating backpacks packed with school supplies to a local elementary school

  • Monthly donations of food items for the Vaca Fish food bank

  • Volunteering at the East Bay Rescue Mission, helping to prepare food in the kitchen and unloading a van load of donated frozen turkeys

  • Packing shoeboxes for children around the world through Operation Christmas Child

  • Mission trips abroad to Honduras and Mexico

  • Fundraisers and donations in support of Project Mercy, the Alpha Clinic, and El Ayudante Mission Honduras

Vaca Fish

We collect food items for Vaca Fish, a local food pantry, throughout the year. Each month, Vaca Fish calls to request new items based on their current needs - this month it is hot cereal (cream of wheat & instant oatmeal).

Donations of all accepted packaged food items are always welcome but the focused food item will meet the greatest need.

School Connect

Get involved in community outreach at our local elementary schools. Support students and staff, create opportunities for building new relationships, and spread good will. If you can spare an hour or more, one time or recurring, this program will work to match up volunteers with opportunities to serve.