Get Connected
There is a place for you here at Convenant Community Church!
There is a place for you here to deepen your relationship with God and with others at every age and stage of life.
We have adult small groups for couples and individuals that meet regularly in homes across Vacaville to study scripture and build friendships together.
Our women’s events are created to deepen friendships between our adult women, teens and tweens as you enjoy a meal and a craft together.
Our Young at Heart group for those 55+ holds quarterly potlucks to enjoy food and fun together.
We host seasonal family events that bring people together from all ages and stages of life.
We hold classes on various topics throughout the year, including learning about Jesus and membership classes.
Every fall our women attend Mt. Hermon’s Women’s Retreat together and our men attend Mt. Hermon’s Men’s Retreat.
To learn more about ways you can connect, check out our events page or reach out to us via email, phone, or this contact form. We’d love to hear from you!